I think I can…

Everyday, I tell someone who I’m working on a blog. Yeah..seems funny, not at all my style…but necessary to update people of Faith status. Well, everyday has turned into months…Some shrink out there would say something like I’m avoiding talking about it because it’s too painful..very true. I’ve realized whats worse is that I am no longer connected with my people because of this…its been two god awful years and Miss. Optomistism has changed. My glass…is empty and I think that the people who loved me before all of this have a very hard time understanding who I’ve become.  I am hoping that through this blog I can speak about my little Faith, so every time I see someone I don’t have to run the other way because I don’t want to explain to one more person how scared I am, so you will know where we are. So when I see you I can tell you a story about my mom who called 911 because she thought she saw the Dexter Bear, and not that were headed back to Mott in the morning.

I’m not a writer, I’m a talker…so this will be no literary prize…but a conversation about our life and where we are headed. But mostly, about my faith and her journey from ostomy bags and feeding tubes to tulips and fireflies.